General, This is Called a Tie

Here's a loopy procurement that Defense Secretary Robert Gates should cancel immediately if he's serious about saving money: The <a href=>General Officer Transition Course</a> hatched last week by the Army Contracting Center of Excellence.

Here's a loopy procurement that Defense Secretary Robert Gates should cancel immediately if he's serious about saving money: The General Officer Transition Course hatched last week by the Army Contracting Center of Excellence.

ACE wants to spend some taxpayer bucks to teach the about-to-retire generals such hard to learn stuff as proper civilian senior executive attire.

I'll make that easy (at no charge to ACE and the retiring generals): Take thyself to Brooks Brothers and ask a sale person to outfit you with a suit, matching shirt and tie, (or a fine dress and blouse for the women generals) and you will only need a small second mortgage to buy four complete rigs. Brooks even does underwear, which I find much more comfortable than military skivvies.

ACE also wants a contractor to teach generals how to write resumes, search for a job (including, I kid you not, how to look at job ads) and how to conduct a job interview. (My advice: Leave the Hooahs at home.)

How come there's no PFC Transition Course?