Hacktivists release banking information of Pakistani officials

Financial Services // Government (Foreign)

Attackers calling themselves the ASOR Hack Team dumped what they claim is a list of banking data belonging to about 23,000 residents and officials in Pakistan.

“Thousands of protesters have been camped outside of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s house for weeks, demanding he quit as they believe last year’s election results were rigged,” Motherboard reports. “It is not clear how this [leak] could benefit the anti-Sharif protesters. (A cynic might point out that it does raise the profile of the ASOR Hack Team, however.)”

In online documents, the team stressed it is not affiliated with the Anonymous hacking collective but that the attackers “support their actions.” 

They cited their motive as follows: “We believe that all information should be free... So, we make them free.”

This apparently includes the sensitive personal information of, presumably, civilians, according to Motherboard.