Get a Pay Raise

If you haven't yet completed the 2010 <a href="">Salary Survey</a>, this weekend may be your last opportunity. Some very interesting data is already emerging, and it may be helpful to many of you when it comes to negotiating salaries and bonuses.

If you haven't yet completed the 2010 Salary Survey, this weekend may be your last opportunity. Some very interesting data is already emerging, and it may be helpful to many of you when it comes to negotiating salaries and bonuses.

Already we're seeing some very encouraging news about the worth of IT and computer security jobs. We have some preliminary data, which we would be happy to share with you, but you have to take the survey. Almost 1,000 security professionals have done so, and we anticipate at least 1,000 to 2,000 more. At the end we expect to be able to give a fairly accurate picture of the rise and/or fall of IT and computer security jobs this year.

Also, we will calculate if obtaining certain certifications correlates to a better paying job or a pay raise. We plan to break salaries down by industry and region. The survey is short, the average completion time is just less than 7 minutes. If you have a moment, please help ensure your own future. And of course, if you have any comments about how we could write the survey better in the future, feel free to use the comments field below.

Adam Ross is managing editor at the SANS Institute and wrote, edited, and Web produced for The Washington Post's opinions and politics sections, online and in print. You can reach him at