We’ll Just Have to Wait for Good News on VA Claims Backlog

The system that crunches claims data is ‘undergoing operational repair.’

As I reported last Friday, the Veterans Affairs Department’s disability claims backlog dipped below 800,000 for the first time since April 1, 2011.

I wanted to provide details on the backlog decline in a story today, but alas, cannot do so as the system that crunches that data is down for repairs.

When I checked the department’s Monday Morning Workload Reports website for the umpteenth time since yesterday looking for the spreadsheet, I encountered this message in red letters: “Please note: The July 1st, 2013, Monday Morning Report will be delayed as VBA's Enterprise Data Warehouse is undergoing operational repair. We apologize for the inconvenience and will post it as soon as the data is available.”

There goes the good news story.