Comparing seats

The U.S. Mint's seat management contract, estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars, would be one of the largest in the federal government

The U.S. Mint's seat management contract, estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars, would be one of the largest in the federal government.

AgencyContractValue in millions
GSA2Seat Management3140
HUDSeat Management55
ATFGSA schedule contracts 33
Peace CorpsSeat Management17
StateSeat Management 2

    1 Outsourcing Desktop Initiative for NASA.

    2 GSA plans to cancel its seat management task order in December.

    3 GSA's governmentwide Seat Management contract.

    4 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, formerly the Health Care Financing Administration.

Source: Federal Sources Inc.

NEXT STORY: Mint calls for seat management