OPM, GSA upgrade telework Web site
The Office of Personnel Management and the General Services Administration have updated their Web site, adding new features and a "green" look.
OPM proposes to add EA to specialty positions
A draft update to the IT management 2210 job series would add enterprise architecture to the list of specialty areas.
OPM revises costs for RetireEZ
Agency excludes $69.6 million from life cycle costs of federal retirement systems modernization.
Panel: Feds must adapt to the next generation of workers
Young workers seek flexibility and new technology at their workplaces.
Hughes to provide distance-learning network
The company will provide a satellite-based distance-learning network for agencies in the Government Education and Training Network.
Senators: DHS needs flexibility in choosing personnel chief
Sens. Akaka and Voinovich have introduced a bill that would allow DHS' secretary to appoint a career chief human capital officer.
Hiring managers look to outsiders
Trends show federal government looks to industry for new upper-level hires
Employee buy-in key to infrastructure change, experts say
Managing cultural change is a major hurdle when agencies transition to new IT infrastructures, FOSE panelists said.
FOSE panelists: Government needs new approaches to hiring
Agencies must adopt nontraditional ways of recruiting and retaining employees, a group of experts said at FOSE 2008.
UPDATED: Survey: OPM employees like what they do
The Office of Personnel Management found an increase in positive responses its 2007 annual survey of federal employees.
The hiring fix
Federal agencies seek fresh ideas for speeding the hiring of the best and brightest.
Energy agency launches performance-based pay system
The National Nuclear Security Administration has begun a five-year pilot project with the Office of Personnel Management to test a new performance-based pay system.
Government is hiring more senior-level workers from outside
The federal government is hiring more upper-level General Schedule workers than ever before, a new report from the Merit Systems Protection Board finds.
Some participants protest new Thrift Savings Plan policy
The proposed regulation would limit interfund trades by TSP participants to two per month.
Powner: A model of constructive oversight
This GAO official believes no one benefits from a 'gotcha' audit.
Springer touts OPM's strategic plan for next two years
The Office of Personnel Management's strategic and operational plan for 2008 to 2010 includes new goals on retirement, security and the workforce.
SES pay is broken, critics say
Senior Executives Association complains that promotion to SES has lost its luster.
Transportation security officers get more whistleblower protection
They can appeal whistleblower retaliation complaints to the Merit Systems Protection Board under a new agreement.
DHS abandons efforts to implement new labor relations rules
In a court filing, the Homeland Security Department said it would not revise labor relations provisions relating to its new personnel system before its statutory authority to implement the system ends.