
GOP continues push to privatize air traffic control

Have the stars finally aligned behind a long-planned push to outsource air traffic control operations?

Digital Government

Culture clash in FAA's drone push

The FAA's efforts to integrate unmanned drone aircraft safely into U.S. commercial airspace is moving ahead on several fronts, according to the agency's director, but it requires reconciling cultural differences.

Digital Government

FAA rolls out no-drone zones

The agency released new data detailing drone flight restrictions around airports and military bases and has begun a process that could further restrict private drone use.


Trump's budget revives calls for air traffic shift

There are serious obstacles to moving air traffic operations away from the FAA, despite calls to do so in the president's budget.


More NextGen rollouts as White House floats air traffic shift

The FAA has NextGen DataComm capabilities working at some of the busiest airports in the U.S., but the White House proposes shifting air traffic control to a private entity, which some say could blunt the effort.


Trump's 2018 budget plan hacks civilian spending for defense, homeland

As promised, a budget blueprint from the Trump administration prioritizes military and homeland security spending, and pays for increases with dramatic cuts to civilian agencies.


Close calls with unmanned aircraft increase

The number of close encounters between civilian aircraft and unmanned drones in national airspace is on the rise, the FAA reports.


Airspace integration takes more than tech

Integrating commercial space vehicles into the National Air Space is an organizational challenge as well as a technical one, experts say.


FAA challenged by growing commercial space industry

The flight agency is looking to adapt and expand its mission to meet the demands of growing space commercialization.


FAA looks to spur spectrum sharing tech

The FAA is leading a multi-agency effort to encourage commercial innovation in spectrum sharing.


New rules proposed for vehicle-to-vehicle comms

In a new proposed rule, the Transportation Department wants to require automakers to include vehicle-to-vehicle communications capabilities and envisions vehicle-to-infrastructure capabilities.


Agencies still aren't acing FITARA

Twelve of the 24 CFO Act agencies governed by FITARA improved their grades on the latest scorecard.

Digital Government

Air traffic systems need better security monitoring, says watchdog

A critical inspector general report found that the FAA's air traffic systems aren't properly linked to Department of Transportation's CIO for cyber oversight purposes.

Digital Government

FAA looks to take over commercial space traffic control

The Federal Aviation Administration is making the case that it and not the military should police commercial space traffic, and Congress is helping the flight agency take the first step.

Digital Government

New rules of the road for self-driving cars

The Obama administration announced new guidelines for autonomous vehicles, taking the technology "from sci-fi fantasy to an emerging reality with the potential to transform the way we live."


IGs: DOT, Labor show cyber protection deficiencies

In separate assessments, inspectors general found deficiencies in the way the departments of Transportation and Labor secure computer systems that contain personally identifiable information.


It's time to trash your legacy system and rewrite from scratch

At least one federal tech chief has become convinced that instead of prolonged, incremental modernization of legacy IT, agencies should just rewrite their entire systems in a modern environment.


Transportation IG wants a CIO fast

Only the first 100 applicants will get a shot at the CIO job opening up at the Transportation Department's Office of Inspector General.


Smart cities need cash

Establishing high-tech, more efficient infrastructure across America will require upfront investments, and the Transportation Department's model might be the way to get that funding right.

Digital Government

Some improvement, but no A’s, on FITARA scorecard 2.0

In the second round of FITARA grades, many agencies improved but none managed to get top IT management marks.