Digital Government
White House Issues New Guidance on Category Management
Obama-era move toward pooled agency purchasing is updated to reduce duplication.
How to Fund an Unfunded Artificial Intelligence Mandate
Early adopters of robotic process automation may have an advantage on the race to AI.
DHS Seeks Industry Input as It Goes All-in for Cloud
The agency is moving to the cloud at fast clip but it wants feedback to ensure its strategy is sound.
Here’s What Technology Modernization Fund Dollars Are Doing Now
Three projects have awarded contracts so far and two have already spent a combined $6 million to date.
Latest Technology Modernization Fund Award Will Support Governmentwide Payroll Project
With the seventh project award, the fund has just under $11 million left.
Artificial Intelligence
HHS’ New Emerging Tech Contract Could One Day Compete With Other GWACs
That includes three governmentwide contracts operated by another Health and Human Services office.
Artificial Intelligence
HHS Contract Will Offer AI Tech, Support to All of Government
The new Intelligent Automation/Artificial Intelligence contract will be housed in Health and Human Services but available to any agency looking for AI solutions.
Digital Government
What the Shutdown Means for Shared Services
Some of the largest shared services providers are still waiting to be funded.
Transportation Is Consolidating Its IT Contracts into a Single Vehicle
The Enterprise IT Shared Services contract will be available departmentwide but task orders will have to flow through the Office of the Chief Information Officer.
Federal CIO Previews 2019 Priorities
OMB will roll out more reskilling programs, tweak FITARA scoring and is looking at standards for automated decision-making, Suzette Kent said.
Digital Government
The Bush 41 Administration’s IT Legacy
Much of today’s IT procurement landscape is the result of reforms from when the late President George H.W. Bush was in the White House.
Digital Government
Administration’s Shared Services Push Starts In Familiar Place: Payroll
Officials said the NewPay payroll and work schedule system will be a case study for rolling out other shared services across government.
Modernizing Government IT Starts with Data
When thinking about IT modernization, organizations too often think at an application level.
GSA Awards $2.5 Billion Payroll and Work Scheduling Contract
The award is part of GSA’s NewPay Initiative aimed at making payroll and scheduling more user-friendly.
Digital Government
Government’s IT Watchdog on the Tech Challenges He Leaves Behind
After 16 years, the Government Accountability Office’s IT Director Dave Powner has seen federal technology improve but here’s what he hopes agencies and Congress continue to work on.
Using the MGT Act to Fuel IT Modernization
We are already beginning to see the positive impact of this legislation, including empowered CIOs.
Digital Government
Customs Needs A Vendor To Manage Financial IT In And Out Of Agency Borders
Customs and Border Protection is looking for information on a single vendor to support its financial systems and prepare to become a shared services center.
Digital Government
Trump Budget Calls for Slight Increase In IT Spending
The president’s 2019 budget proposal includes $45.8 billion for IT infrastructure and services, with $210 million for the Technology Modernization Fund.
Emerging Tech
Government Needs Strategic Vision for Emerging Tech, Advisory Group Says
The Trump administration should tackle networking speed advances like the Obama administration did cloud, NSTAC draft report says.
Digital Government