
Spy agencies must craft safeguards for using sensitive commercial data, ODNI says

The new framework follows a report last year that showed the intelligence community frequently relies on purchased sensitive information.

Critical infrastructure cyberattacks pushed NSA to unmask thousands of U.S. identities through spying law

The number of U.S. identity unmaskings NSA conducted in response to requests from other agencies through Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act tripled in 2023 compared to the prior year.

Biden signs extension of controversial spying program into 2026

The Section 702 authorities were reauthorized without the addition of a warrant requirement to review the communications of Americans caught up in foreign surveillance.

When can US spies buy your personal data? New guidelines are coming

Certain missions require government acquisition of personal information collected by data brokers, and appropriate safeguards need to be put in place, the official said at a Cyber Command-hosted event.

Section 702 renewal has support in Congress, but intelligence officials are leery of warrant measure

The disputed surveillance authority expires April 19, and the intelligence community is sending a full-court press to keep it from garnering significant privacy reforms.

Congress tries again for comprehensive data privacy bill

The bill would establish national data privacy standards, with the Federal Trade Commission crafting rules for enforcement.

Government funding bill punts extension of controversial spying power

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act expires April 19 unless reauthorized by Congress, and an 11th-hour funding bill crafted to avert a partial government shutdown doesn't address the matter.

House advances bill empowering FTC to punish data transfers to foreign rivals

The unanimously approved legislation would give the FTC more enforcement power over data transfers to nations like China and Russia.

Lawmakers propose a new federal office to regulate workplace surveillance tech

The new bill from Reps. Chris Deluzio, D-Pa., and Suzanne Bonamici, D-Ore., would also establish new employee rights and employer transparency rules around surveillance.

Civil Rights commission digs into government use of facial recognition

The tech poses “serious threats to our fundamental rights,” the chair of the commission said during a Friday briefing.

Biden’s new data security order leaves industry officials, privacy advocates scratching their heads

Implementing the executive order will involve crafting new legal mechanisms for data transfers while assuaging ongoing privacy concerns.

Biden admin to seek surveillance court blessing to renew Section 702 program through next year

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court will receive the White House filing next month.

Civil liberties groups urge Congress to keep 702 measures out of upcoming funding votes

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is set to expire on April 19 unless reauthorized by Congress.

Section 702 renewal could pass in funding bill, sources say

Backers of 702 reauthorization in the House Intelligence committee will likely use recent news of classified intelligence gathered using the surveillance power as a way to convince colleagues to support its renewal.

TSA uses ‘minimum’ data to fine-tune its facial recognition, but some experts still worry

The Transportation Security Administration is planning to expand its facial recognition scanners to more than 400 airports, an agency official said.

NCA celebrates National Data Privacy Week while CISA eyes new cybersecurity guidelines

The week’s themes reflect a new era  where everything is interconnected and new threats like artificial intelligence are poised to make a big impact on cybersecurity.