Federal weather system experiences outage amid severe weather nationwide

The agency is seeking money to shore up weather forecasting IT systems in fiscal year 2025.

NOAA leverages AI for weather forecast translation

The artificial intelligence tool will replace the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s manual process for Spanish and simplified Chinese.

How NASA, NOAA and AI might save the internet from devastating solar storms

Coronal mass ejections that can occur during the solar maximum are electrically charged, meaning they can easily destroy electrical and computer equipment.

NOAA upgrades weather forecasting supercomputers

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will be able to make more accurate weather forecasts with upgrades to computer systems deployed in Virginia and Arizona. 

NOAA looks to modernize with EIS

The weather and science agency sets up future 5G capabilities, critical sensor bandwidth with $311M Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions task order.

'Sharpiegate' probe elicits rebuke from Commerce IG

The Inspector General at the Department of Commerce is publicly complaining that the agency is using concerns about redactions as cover for blocking the complete release of a critical report surrounding the president's 2019 misstatements about the path of Hurricane Dorian.

NOAA taps cloud providers for data

The agency that provides daily weather data for commercialization officially moves it to the cloud by tapping three of the largest commercial providers.

How the shutdown affects open data

Developers rely on government data to build public-facing apps and services, and a lapse in appropriations can make things complicated.

Why acquisition management is the SENSR project's secret weapon

Getting four agencies to share spectrum and combine their radar systems is a massive undertaking. Settling on a single acquisition management system makes it much more manageable.

Mapping our changing coastline

Congress is looking to boost an ongoing project to aggregate U.S. coastal mapping data.

Storm aid could push debt, shutdown deadline to December

The emergency appropriations package for hurricane Harvey could let lawmakers punt budget and debt deals to the end of 2017, with the next shutdown threat coming in mid-December.

How cloud can take open data to new heights

By removing the storage and transmission barriers, agencies are seeing the use of their datasets explode.

White House funds federal spectrum study

OMB funds research on how to consolidate multiple federal radar capabilities to free up government-owned spectrum for the commercial market.

Trump's pick for Commerce talks tech

Wilbur Ross, the Department of Commerce secretary-designate, discussed IT-intensive components of Commerce -- including cybersecurity, spectrum allocation, broadband accessibility and Census operations -- at his Senate confirmation hearing.

Consolidation could be coming to federal radar

Multiple agencies are participating in an FAA-led bid to optimize spectrum use for aircraft and weather surveillance. takes wing

Steve Kelman contends that a recent report on agencies' prize challenges tells only half the success story.

Launch delay won't open weather data gap, NOAA says

NOAA bumped the launch of a key weather data collection satellite to October 2016, but the agency doesn't anticipate a gap in weather forecast data because of the change.