
Flaws in public records management tool could let hackers nab sensitive data linked to requests

The GovQA platform, created by IT company Granicus, contained vulnerabilities that could have let cybercriminals retrieve tranches of sensitive files tied to public records requests, a security researcher revealed to Nextgov/FCW.

Biden admin to seek surveillance court blessing to renew Section 702 program through next year

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court will receive the White House filing next month.

Roberts: Legal field will be ‘significantly affected by AI’

Chief Justice John Roberts focused his end-of-year report on the intersection of technology and the legal system.

Federal Judge Declines to Block Vaccine Mandate for Feds

Judge says the challenge is both premature and unlikely to supersede the public interest in ending the pandemic.

Supreme Court Ends Oracle’s JEDI Challenge

Oracle first challenged the Pentagon’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure cloud contract in 2018.

Court Deals Yet Another Blow to Firing Reform Law

Thousands of workers may now have a new avenue to getting their jobs back.

Justice Official Recommends Supreme Court Reject Oracle’s JEDI Petition  

Oracle has not won at any level of court despite numerous bid protests against the Pentagon’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract.

Court to Explore Whether Trump Administration Interfered in JEDI Cloud Contract

The Defense Department previously said lengthy litigation could bring the contract’s future into question.

Bill Would Eliminate Immunity for Foreign Hackers

The Homeland and Cyber Threat Act would amend the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act to give Americans legal recourse for damages caused by foreign hackers.

Pentagon Hints It Could Abandon the JEDI Cloud Effort

The department still urgently needs an enterprise cloud and indicates it may consider other options.

Google Antitrust Case Suggests Apple Should Be in the Department of Justice’s Crosshairs Too

Apple’s role as the gateway to billions of searches is the critical factor here.

Union Sues and Democrats Introduce Bill to Block Trump Order Politicizing Civil Service

As opponents of the president’s effort to convert chunks of the federal workforce into at-will employees kick off their efforts to stop the initiative, the administration has signaled that agencies can push forward ahead of schedule.

Court Clarifies Timeline in JEDI Case

Judge Patricia Campbell-Smith issued deadlines through December for the Pentagon’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract.

After Decision Upholding FCC’s 5G Rules, Cities Now Weighing Appeal

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals largely upheld FCC rules limiting local government’s ability to regulate 5G infrastructure and cap fees. Cities involved in the case have until Sept. 28 to file an appeal, but some experts say the ruling wasn’t all bad.

Trump Administration Appeals Block on Census Immigration Plan

Experts have been skeptical about the feasibility of the plan to identify people living here illegally.

USPS Is Fighting to Block the Release of Data on Mail Delays

The Postal Service is fending off pressures before its regulator and federal courts, but it's already suffered one setback.