
The shutdown threat would be off the table, under newly proposed legislation

A bill from Virginia Democrats would automatically trigger a continuing resolution when there is a lapse in appropriations and restrict the Senate’s ability to consider non-spending legislation until funding is figured out.


Leaders in both parties agree to pursue a stopgap to avoid shutdown

The House and Senate remain significantly divided over spending for the rest of fiscal 2024.

Artificial Intelligence

Scaling and talent development dominate Senate’s AI-focused NDAA amendments

The upper chamber’s draft of the NDAA looks to regulate and incorporate AI systems in federal operations, broadly helmed by a team of bipartisan senators.


The Senate is on a bipartisan glidepath toward avoiding a shutdown, Schumer says

The way forward is still complicated by the House, which is pushing partisan spending bills along party lines.


Experts warn of financial challenges and gaps in cyber implementation plan 

From a crucial lack of federal funding to longstanding issues with the cyber workforce, experts told Nextgov/FCW that the new cybersecurity implementation plan features major “financial potholes.”


Congress must use budget power to move tech firms out of Beijing’s orbit, former lawmaker says

Former congressman and Under Secretary of the Army Patrick Murphy said lawmakers need to be focused “like a bulldog on a bone” when ensuring the U.S. is positioned to compete with China’s tech ambitions.


White House unveils fiscal 2025 cybersecurity investment priorities

The administration is urging agencies to align their fiscal 2025 budget requests with recent guidance that prioritizes strengthening federal networks and systems against cyber intrusions.


House panel zeros out TMF funding for 2024 fiscal year

House appropriators want to eliminate new funding for the Technology Modernization Fund, which is still flush with cash thanks to a pandemic-era special spending bill.

Emerging Tech

White House makes case for renewed Quantum Initiative Act

As funding under the National Quantum Initiative Act is set to expire, OSTP official Charles Tahan outlined several priority areas for the U.S. quantum sciences ecosystem.

Emerging Tech

Clean energy advancements hinge on steady funding, Energy official says

Accelerating critical technologies to support a robust clean energy economic sector is a top priority for the agency’s 2024 budget request.


Budget and tech challenges loom over IRS's direct file pilot

The news of the forthcoming pilot was followed this week by a compromise debt ceiling bill that includes reallocating $20 billion of the funding the IRS got as part of the Inflation Reduction Act.

Digital Government

Debt Defaults are Not Shutdowns, But Both Raise Money Fears

Question number one that companies in the government market want answered is how payments for their work on contracts will, or will not, happen in a debt default situation. No one knows for sure.

Emerging Tech

Larger NASA Budget Essential to Beat China to Lunar Resources, Administrator Says

The agency’s requested budget will help to continue missions like Artemis and improve space operations and safety.

Artificial Intelligence

Setting Emerging Tech’s Standards Dominates NIST’s 2024 Goals

NIST Director Laurie Locascio discussed her agency’s plans before a House hearing, revealing major focuses on critical and emerging technologies.


New Cyber Reports Will Show the Value of CISA Budget Investments, Director Says

Cyber incident reports will be shared with the agency under the soon-to-be implemented requirements of the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act.


Biden Administration Seeks $26B in Cyber Funding for FY 2024

President Biden’s fiscal year 2024 budget aligns with the recently released national cybersecurity strategy by “investing in a whole-of-nation approach,” according to the acting national cyber director.