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Helping Federal Agencies with CDM Prioritization and the Request for Service (RFS) Process

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Helping Federal Agencies with CDM Prioritization and the Request for Service (RFS) Process
DHS’s Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program is pivotal to improving government cyber security. The CDM program has entered Phase 3, moving from discovery and management of government networks to active defense and response. This phase focuses on monitoring what is actually happening on the network, offering federal agencies the opportunity to significantly advance the capabilities of their cyber security programs.
The contract/task order component of Phase 3, known as Dynamic and Evolving Federal Enterprise Network Defense (DEFEND), includes professional expertise to understand what is happening on networks and effectively respond to security incidents. It’s important to understand that the CDM program is about a lot more than access to better cybersecurity tools. The program also delivers vital training and services, provided by approved contractors.
FireEye is working closely with agency cyber leaders as they look to meet the Phase 3 requirements:
- Identify integrated solutions to address identified cyber program capability gaps.
- Identify the training and services to support the identified solutions and ensure successful adoption of new capabilities.
- Adopt and leverage actionable cyber intelligence to improve protection, event identification, response, and recovery.
- Establish as-needed, on-demand, cyber security surge capabilities to easily address urgent skill shortages during event responses.
NEXT STORY: Agencies Embrace Security at Scale in the Cloud