Agencies grow greens
OMB's latest score card shows progress in the President's Management Agenda.
The President's Management Agenda scorecard
Agencies showed significant progress in the President's Management Agenda, particularly in the areas of human capital management and budget and performance integration, according to the latest score card.
In the quarterly score card, the Office of Management and Budget evaluates agency status and progress in the five areas of the President's Management Agenda: human capital management, competitive sourcing, financial performance, e-government, and budget and performance integration. Green scores show success, yellow means an agency has achieved some but not all of the criteria and red indicates serious flaws.
The latest score card shows a shift from mostly red and yellow scores in the status of agencies' efforts on the agenda. Overall, OMB awarded 27 green scores, 54 yellow and 49 red. On the March 31 evaluation, agencies received 12 green scores, 57 yellow and 61 red.
Human capital management showed the most improvement, with seven agencies scoring top marks, up from two previously. In e-government, three more agencies earned green scores, bringing the total to five.
The Small Business Administration earned its first two green scores in e-government and budget performance, having previously scored mostly yellows. The Transportation Department also showed significant improvement, earning four green marks in place of four yellow ones. However, the department again received a failing grade in financial performance.
The Energy and Labor departments, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Office of Personnel Management and the Social Security Administration also showed improvement, each earning two or three green scores.
The Homeland Security Department improved in the progress assessment, replacing yellow scores in human capital and competitive sourcing with top marks. However in the area of e-government, DHS' progress dropped from yellow to red.
OMB's scores did not change this quarter. The office again received four red scores and one yellow score in human capital management. In the area of progress, OMB earned failing marks in competitive sourcing and budget and performance integration.
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