This Robot Army Is Obsessed With Random Acts of Kindness

Rather than kill people, 100 child-sized "Lovebots" are highlighting good deeds done by community members in Toronto.
Cylons will shoot you with implanted machine guns. A Terminator T-1000 might spear you through the brain with a molten fist. Being the big, lumbering robots they are, a Decepticon will probably run you down like a bulldozer operator sucking on a fifth of Old Grand-Dad.
So what's the lethal tactics of Toronto's "Lovebots"? That's unknown, but my money's on them glomming onto people in a massive cuddle-party until there's no reflexive muscle twitches left.
But of course that would never happen, unless some hacker messed with their programming. The standard-issue Lovebot – short for Love Robot and not to be confused with the Japanesecomfort model – is a chunky, child-sized being that looks as threatening as WALL-E. Emblazoned on each robot's chest is a little colored heart, symbolizing its mission to spread affection and good vibes throughout Toronto. And there should be plenty of love to go around in the city during the coming weeks, as the artist responsible for these cutesy objects has only deployed about 30 in a planned invasion of 100 robots.
Read more at The Atlantic Cities.
(Image via lattesmile/