Part 3 of 'Step One for Web managers,' FCW's Dot-Gov Thursday column
A partial listing of mission areas followed by programs is defined in the General Accounting Office report, "Managing for Results: Barriers to Interagency Coordination" [GGD-00-106, March 29, 2000]. This set is limited to potential areas of fragmentation and overlap. Functional budget classifications in the federal budget process provide another means for defining sectors:
- Agriculture: Food safety.
- Commerce and housing credit: Financial institution regulation.
- Community and regional development: Community development, economic development, emergency preparedness, housing, rural development.
- Education, training, employment and social services: Early childhood programs, employment training, student aid.
- General science, space and technology: High-performance computing, national laboratories, research and development facilities, small-business innovation research.
- General government: Federal statistical agencies.
- Health: Long-term care, substance abuse, nuclear health and safety, telemedicine, teen pregnancy prevention.
- Income security: Child care, welfare and related programs, youth programs, homelessness programs, programs for people with disabilities.
- Defense: Guided weapon systems, telecommunications, military health care, satellite control systems, nonmedical chemical and biological research and development.
- International affairs: Educational programs, policy formulation and implementation.
- Law enforcement: Border inspections, drug control, investigative authority, drug trafficking, combating terrorism.
- Natural resources and environment: Federal land management, international environmental programs, hazardous waste cleanup, water quality.
NEXT STORY: Letter to the Editor