High-Performance Computing

IBM's Watson breaks new ground in artificial intelligence

Playing "Jeopardy!" was just the first step. Watson represents a broadened set of frontiers for human-machine interaction.

Administration wants millions to expand payment ineligibility portal

The Obama Administration has asked Congress for $10 million to expand and enhance VerifyPayment.gov to avoid $50 billion in improper federal payments.

What is ... the computer that cheated at 'Jeopardy!'?

A supercomputer won a trivia contest against two human champions. But how impressive is that?

Federal IT funds for R&D misused, group says

A report released today by an advisory panel says only a fraction of the estimated $4 billion federal agencies get for IT research and development actually goes for those purposes.

IBM supercomputer to challenge humans on 'Jeopardy'

IBM will put its natural-language processing research to the test this fall, when its Watson supercomputer goes up against human players on "Jeopardy."

Supercomputer tapped for 3D models of oil spill

The National Science Foundation has made an emergency allocation of 1 million compute-hours on a supercomputer used at the Texas Advanced Computing Center at the University of Texas to create 3-D models of the spreading oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Air Force math: 2,000 PlayStation 3s = 1 supercomputer

Air Force builds a supercomputer with Sony PlayStation 3 video game consoles.

PlayStations power Air Force 'supercomputer'

The Air Force Research Laboratory has built a supercomputer that is driven in part by several hundred Sony PlayStation 3 consoles.

Bill would fund DHS data center consolidation

A Senate Appropriations Committee subcommittee today approved a bill that would give DHS "significant" money to continue its data center consolidation program.

Bill would boost computer R&D

Legislation in the House would require a strategy for federal research and development efforts in high-performance computing.

NOAA to get supercomputers, satellites

The agency's list of projects includes funding for weather satellites and climate-data supercomputers.

Federal 100 winner: Mark Seager

As director of the Advanced Simulation and Computing Program, Seager launched a partnership between the federal government and the private sector that led to the Hyperion Collaboration, a first-of-its-kind consortium that provides a test bed for high-performance computing.