A Chance for Smart Highways

Barack Obama <a href="http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=97973470">said last month</a> that he wants to spend billions of dollars on building new roads and repairing those that are worn out. If Congress passes spending on highways, it could provide an opportunity to invest in technology that could reduce traffic congestion.

Barack Obama said last month that he wants to spend billions of dollars on building new roads and repairing those that are worn out. If Congress passes spending on highways, it could provide an opportunity to invest in technology that could reduce traffic congestion. In a New York Times Op-Ed on Tuesday, Steven Dubner argues for charging a floating fee to use certain highways based on the amount of congestion on the road. As the traffic increases, so would the fee, which theoretically would keep traffic to a level that allows for a reasonable flow. He writes:

NEXT STORY: CTO Named on Wednesday?