CTO Named on Wednesday?

<em>The New York Times</em> <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/05/us/politics/05spend.html?_r=1&ref=todayspaper">reported</a> on Monday that Obama plans to name his chief technology officer on Wednesday.

This post was updated at 3:33 pm, Jan. 5. Most recent text italicized.

The New York Times reported on Monday that Obama plans to name his chief technology officer on Wednesday.

Mr. Obama will use his public events this week to promise what one adviser called "radical reforms" to impose more control over the regular federal budget down the road. Among other areas, the president-elect will focus on changing Pentagon contracting and aid to corporate America, advisers said. He will also designate a chief performance officer and a chief technology officer on Wednesday to help make government more efficient, they said.

According to the Obama transition team, they have no plans to announce who may fill the CTO position on Wednesday. According to senior reporter Jill R. Aitoro:

"That report is wrong, there is no CTO announcement on Wednesday," said Nick Shapiro, transition spokesman in an email correspondence with NextGov.com. He confirmed also that the person would not be named tomorrow either. Beyond that, no details were provided about when the announcement might be made, and other members of the transition team did not respond to inquiries.

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