Introducing the Cybertini

There's something unfortunate but inevitable about the American tendency to mark technological innovations with new alcoholic drinks.

And that's not just because they tend to include unhealthy portions of crème de menthe.

So we can't help greeting the University of Maryland Baltimore County Research and Technology Park's introduction of the cybertini with a bit of a shudder.

The "mystery beverage" is set to be unveiled "in a dramatic way" at a happy hour Aug. 30 to celebrate the research park's surge in cybersecurity related tenants.

Still, for what it's worth, our proposed cybertini recipe is:

  1. Scrap the martini glass for a highball or beer mug. Easier to hold in the crook of an arm if you need both hands for texting.
  2. Add two shots of Georgian vodka to cleanse the palate and one shot of Russian vodka to overwhelm it. That should put you in a cyberwar state of mind.
  3. Add one drunk dial savvy smartphone app, so you don't text anything you'll regret.
  4. Enjoy your evening.

Hat tip to Post reporter Marjorie Censer for the cybertini's imminent unveiling.

NEXT STORY: Spy Agency Seeks Data Miners