New FCC Site Pushes Broadband on Small Businesses

A new web portal launched Monday by the Federal Communications Commission, aims to increase broadband use among U.S. small businesses at the same time it ramps up those businesses' cybersecurity savvy.

The site lists 10 basic cybersecurity tips for small businesses, including installing secure firewalls and antivirus software and creating unique log-ons for all employees.

The site also touts FCC resources for small businesses looking to increase their broadband use, such as a series of workshops and a mentorship program the agency sponsors in cooperation with a small business nonprofit group.

The new portal was announced at a cybersecurity roundtable at FCC headquarters, connected with the government's Small Business Week, according to Fedscoop, a media company focusing on government information technology.

The small business portal appears to be connected with the FCC Encyclopedia, an A-to-Z listing - Accessing Spectrum to World Radiocommunication Conference, actually - of important cyber definitions the agency has been collecting since 2003.

"FCC Encyclopedia" appears at the top of the page, but the main Encyclopedia page doesn't link back to the small business page, which appears to be only available through its own URL.