We Want Your Comments

You'll notice a new feature on Nextgov today. You now can submit a comment on a Nextgov article using the Disqus platform, which you will find at the bottom of each article. The application replaces the site's Forum section, with the expectation that if readers see comments at the bottom of an article it will encourage a dialogue.

You'll notice a new feature on Nextgov today. You now can submit a comment that will be directly attached to a Nextgov article by using the DisQus platform, which you will find at the bottom of each article. It looks like this:


The application replaces the site's Forum section, with the expectation that if readers see comments at the bottom of an article it will encourage a dialogue.

To comment on an article, you can sign in as a guest. Or you can take less than a minute to open a DisQus account, if you don't already have one. You will have the option to connect your account to your Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and OpenID accounts (and many other social networking sites) to submit a comment -- an option some of our readers already have chosen -- so your friends and followers can read your opinions and find a link to the article.

We at Nextgov hope you find this comment function useful and, as always, please let us know what you think. Now, it's even easier to do so.

NEXT STORY: TSA Nominee Doesn't Check Out