The 3 Responses of Doan

Reporters typically try to get both sides of a story. So, when someone alleges or rules that an individual, say, violated a law, a reporter asks the accused for a response.

That's what we did when the Office of Special Counsel ruled that Lurita Doan, the head of the General Services Administration, violated the Hatch Act. Typically, a reporter will get one response. But Doan gave us, over a three-hour period, three slightly different statements.

Listed below are her statements sent via email. The bold portions are words that were either altered or removed in the succeeding response.

Government Executive received its first statement via email from Doan at 2:37 p.m., Wednesday:

I received the staff-drafted report, and I disagree with its preliminary findings. I have concerns with the leaps in logic and the many inaccuracies contained in it, such as an error as simple as citing a non-existent employee in my office. I have an opportunity, which I will take, to work with the Office of Special Counsel to correct the many inaccuracies before the final report is issued.

Doan then sent a second response via email at 5:07 p.m., Wednesday:

I received the staff-drafted report, and I disagree with its preliminary findings. I fundamentally disagree with the approach taken by investigators to include facts and information that were not included in the report. I have an opportunity, which I will take, to work with the Office of Special Counsel to correct the many inaccuracies before the final report is issued.

The final statement was received by Government Executive at 5:27 p.m., Wednesday:

I received the staff-drafted report, and I disagree with its preliminary findings. I fundamentally disagree with the approach taken by investigators, including the omission of important and relevant facts from the report. I have an opportunity, which I will take, to work with the Office of Special Counsel to correct the many inaccuracies before the final report is issued.

NEXT STORY: More on the OSC Doan Report