Obama and White House Tech Advisers Tweet Support for Clock-Making Teen

This photo provided by the Irving Police Department shows the homemade clock that Ahmed Mohamed brought to school.

This photo provided by the Irving Police Department shows the homemade clock that Ahmed Mohamed brought to school. Irving Police/AP

Ahmed Mohamed now has an invitation to the White House.

Texas high school student and amateur engineer Ahmed Mohamed was arrested Monday, because his teachers mistakenly thought the homemade digital clock he brought in was a bomb, according to media reports. Since then, the 14-year-old has been released from custody -- and his story has gone viral. 

Now, the president and top tech officials at the White House have tweeted their support, as well as an invitation to bring his clock to the White House. 

White House Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil and Deputy Chief Technology Officer Ed Felton also joined in. 

White House Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith shared another important clock at the White House. 

The Obama administration has placed an emphasis on science, technology, engineering and math education and began hosting an annual White House Science Fair in 2010. In June, the White House hosted its first ever "Maker Faire," to celebrate tinkerers, inventors and other members of the "maker movement."