What Keeps Obama Up At Night

It's a bit of a hackneyed question that reporters ask a top executive every now and then: "What keeps you up at night?" It's been asked of federal information technology managers, too, and the answer typically has been the lack of cybersecurity. Information security seems to be the cause of a lack of sleep for President Obama, too.

It's a bit of a hackneyed question that reporters ask a top executive every now and then: "What keeps you up at night?" It's been asked of federal information technology managers, too, and the answer typically has been the lack of cybersecurity. Information security seems to be the cause of a lack of sleep for President Obama, too.

From the Associated Press:

President Barack Obama says he's a night owl.

Obama tells C-SPAN in an interview airing Saturday [May 23] that after he's had dinner with his family and tucked his daughters into bed, he typically stays up until midnight going through a big stack of material he's taken into the White House residence.

He says he sometimes pushes the big stack aside to do some writing and focus on some of the issues "that are coming down the pike" -- rather than immediate issues.

He says one example is a comprehensive plan to deal with national cybersecurity. Obama says that if he doesn't build in what he calls "some thought time," then these kind of issues can keep getting pushed aside by "the constant churning of events."