What Stimulus Spending Looks Like

If you're still confused what the economic stimulus spending will look like, consider this <a href=https://e-center.doe.gov/doebiz.nsf/d76fbc294818822885256d98006c63b6/0b37b72285cd2c7185257569006d57e6?OpenDocument>"notice of intent"</a> to issue a grant that the Energy Department posted on Thursday.

If you're still confused what the economic stimulus spending will look like, consider this "notice of intent" to issue a grant that the Energy Department posted on Thursday. The agency plans to award a grant to a company, or companies, that can demonstrate they can develop, market and use new technology that will reduce the energy used by telecommunications companies and data centers.

From the notice:

The electricity consumed in data centers and telecom systems is already three percent of the U.S. total and growing rapidly. In the face of growing global energy demand, uncertain energy supplies, and volatile energy prices, innovative solutions are needed to radically advance the energy efficiency of these systems, which represent the engine of the American economy today. Enhanced energy efficiency in the central offices and data centers supporting our information, communications technology (ICT) systems will enhance U.S. energy and economic security.

Federal agencies may want to take notice. The Environmental Protection Agency submitted a report to Congress in 2007, concluding agencies could save more than half a billion dollars a year in electrical bills if they adopted new energy-saving technologies.

NEXT STORY: $250B Ain't What it Used to Be