Web 2.0 - The Next Frontier!

From last month’s pronouncement by Commandant Thad Allen, Coast Guard, that Coasties need to get with it and embrace Facebook, YouTube and other social networking tools, to this week’s discussion at the Executive Leadership Conference, Web 2.0 is here and now, front and center - an important set of tools to move forward to encourage and enhance and discussion with the public. I say go for it â€" the IT workforce should be a catalyst and assistant in getting agencies started.

On a personal note, I realized that I need to get with the program and set up a Facebook account myself. I turned to my twenty-something son and daughter to assist me in setting up an account, and I was met with extreme resistance. They feel my "boomer" generation is encroaching upon their generation’s territory. They explained the site was set up for college connections - not for business purposes. But I patiently explain to them that their generation is so incredibly prescient and smart to set up this site, they should be willing to share since it is such a great tool for communication. Do you agree?