The Buzz in Tech Insider

The Tech Insider comment boxes have been abuzz recently. So you don't miss the latest discussions, we list here a few items that have drawn a lot of attention, along with a choice comment. Click on the link to read more.

Defense Says Bye Bye to EDI

If they're doing one $3,500 contract a year with us, figuring a 5% profit, and they have to spend at least an hour figuring out how to update their CCR registration and another hour or two figuring out how to invoice the thing, pretty soon it's costing them money to sell to us.

The Math Behind VA-Dell PC Deal

Inspite of strong opposition and a cost benifit analyis that clealy showed this was a bad deal, the VA proceeded. One has to ask why?

The Feds Who Edit Wikipedia

Wikipedia reminds me of that old joke about the encyclopedias in the Soviet Union with the loose leaf pages.

EPA: Federal Datacenters Can Cut Energy Use

This is not even on the radar screen of the IT group at EPA.

Finally, Payback Time for Spammers

The authors have failed to give credit when they knew better.

NEXT STORY: More Calls for Cameras