Honey, We Need Online Counseling

Technology has taken over much of the dating scene, with match-making sites such as <a href=http://www.eharmony.com/>eharmony.com</a>. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that the flip side of finding that perfect mate through the Web is online marriage counseling. The Well blog at the New York Times on Monday <a href="http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/28/seeking-to-pre-empt-marital-strife/">discussed</a> these programs.

Technology has taken over much of the dating scene, with match-making sites such as eharmony.com. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that the flip side of finding that perfect mate through the Web is online marriage counseling.

The Well blog at the New York Times on Monday discussed these programs.

There's OurRelationship.com, a program at relate-institute.org, and couplecare.info. Kim Halford, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Queensland in St. Lucia, Australia, and a researcher for couplecare, says it only makes since that people who met online should have online couples counseling:

If information technology is integral to how you began your relationship, then if therapy is required it's not surprising that they would look to online technology.