A Good Idea

In light of a system at the Veterans Affairs Department mixing up patient data, it may be a good idea that a panel advising the Health and Human Services Department on electronic health records <a href=http://govhealthit.com/newsitem.aspx?nid=73304>proposed</a> on Friday a system into which clinicians could "report instances - noticeably inaccurate patient data or an EHR technical glitch, for instance - that they believed might compromise patient safety," Government Health IT reported on Friday.

In light of a system at the Veterans Affairs Department mixing up patient data, it may be a good idea that a panel advising the Health and Human Services Department on electronic health records proposed on Friday a system into which clinicians could "report instances - noticeably inaccurate patient data or an EHR technical glitch, for instance - that they believed might compromise patient safety," Government Health IT reported on Friday.

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