11 Noteworthy Health Care Apps


Applications that can help patients in almost every aspect of the medical process.

Early Detection Plan: From the National Breast Cancer Foundation, this app reminds you to perform self-exams and schedule mammograms. It also includes information about risk factors, signs and symptoms.

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iCouch CBT applies cognitive behavioral therapy by asking users a series of questions. Users can then forward their entries to a friend or a therapist. They also have the option of submitting their logs for analysis by a licensed psychologist.

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Calmkeeper helps users who are panicing or experiencing anxiety calm down by providing breathing patterns, games and positive coping statements.

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Epocrates is a popular drug reference that provides psychicians and patients with drug information, including interactions between up to 30 drugs at a time.

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Ginger.io collects data on calling and texting patterns. Because patients with depression tend to isolate themselves, the software can recognize the changes in data patterns and relay this information to concerned parties.

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Glow is a fertility and ovulation tracker that can help predict when fertility is highest based on data that the user provides.

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Mango Health help users organize and schedule their medication. Users can also earn points for real world rewards.

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MotionX-24/7: Sleep Cycle, Snore, Heart Rate, Activity Tracker is exactly what it sounds like. The app monitors sleep cycles, measures heart rate and even has "Get Active" alerts to let you know when you've been idle for too long.

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Pulsepoint shows the nearest vicinity of trained citizens in CPR. Users trained in CPR are also notified if someone nearby is having a cardiac emergency.

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RxApps facilitates better communication between doctors and patients. This app monitors the patient's health by asking questions such as "How well did you sleep last night?" Doctors can also check RxApps to see how treatment plans are working.


Simplee helps track and manage health care expenses. You can see your bills, payment history and also track deductibles and out of pocket expenses.

(Screenshot from iTunes)

(Image via alexmillos/Shutterstock.com)