Video: Are You Ready to Drive a 3-D-Printed Car?


This definitely isn't a matchbox car.

Want an environmentally friendly car that's a cooler ride than a Prius? Check out the Blade.

Looking like something out of the future, this car gets its green-friendly credentials through its 3-D printing manufacturing process. While the components are made quickly and efficiently, the Blade can still pack a punch on the road and hit 60 mph in a little over 2 seconds.

"What we've tried to do is dematerialize auto manufacturing, meaning radically reduce the materials and energy that go into a car," said Kevin Czinger, CEO of Divergent Microfactories, which makes the Blade.>

While other places -- including the Energy Department -- have experimenting with 3-D printing cars, Divergent Microfactories wants the Blade to be validated, safety tested and really hit the roads.

To learn more, check out the video below from CNET