LG Thinks It’s Time You Started Chatting With Your Appliances—via Line

Patryk Kosmider/Shutterstock.com

The brand's new washing machines, robotic vacuums and ovens will be able to accept remote instructions.

Social messaging apps have been gaining in popularity worldwide, with users flocking to services like WeChat and WhatsApp to communicate with friends and family. Now South Korean manufacturer LG wants consumers to use a prominent messaging app, the Korean-owned, Japan-based Line, to communicate with another key figure in their lives: home appliances.

LG said this week that its newest “smart appliances,” including washing machines, robotic vacuums, and ovens, will be able to accept instructions—and respond—via Line, which has some 310 million international users.

That means consumers will ostensibly be able to message their refrigerator to tell it to go into power-saving mode, launch their LG robotic vacuum via Line, or even receive notifications when clothes washing cycles have been completed.

Read the full story at Quartz.

(Image via Patryk Kosmider/Shutterstock.com)