President Obama's campaign now on Pinterest

Pinterest is a relative newcomer for agencies considering social media, but the president's campaign is taking advantage of it.

President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign is now pinning on Pinterest and rapidly gaining popularity, attracting more than 4,600 followers in the first 21 hours on the site.

Obama announced the move to the popular social network from the @BarackObama Twitter account on March 27: “Organizers, infographics, murals, and cake—now pinning all of the above for #Obama2012 on Pinterest,” read the initial tweet.

True to those promises, the first groups of pins on the new Obama 2012 Pinterest account include four links for “Obama-inspired recipes,” of which three are cakes.

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The Pinterest social network has been one of the most quickly-growing new websites in recent months, offering users a bulletin board to "pin," or display, images, graphics and links, including recipes, fashion photos, art and travel images. About 68 percent of its users are female, and the Washington Post recently called Pinterest “digital crack for women.”

Several federal agencies are on Pinterest, including the U.S Army, Navy and National Guard, but civilian agencies have been slower to move onto the site. The General Services Administration recently said it is negotiating terms of service for federal agencies on Pinterest.

Obama’s campaign site had eight bulletin boards and 44 pins as of March 28, including a board for “Pet Lovers for Obama,” photographs of the first family and campaign merchandise.