What skills do feds need to succeed?

An OPM official suggests federal employees learn programming to keep their skills up to date. Is it too much to ask for?

What skills are crucial to federal employees? According to Dr. Bill Brantley, HR specialist at the Office of Personnel Management, being tech savvy helps, for starters.

Writing a blog post for GovLoop, Brantley listed the top 10 skills for government workers. While more traditional aptitudes such as collaboration and project management ranked among the top talents, Brantley also included tech-focused skills such as HTML5. 

“Even if you are not a developer, many government leaders (including New York Mayor [Michael] Bloomberg) are learning to program,” he wrote. “Learn HTML5 and CSS3 to develop mobile-friendly websites and to use the new EPUB3 format for electronic documents.”

(I should also add that Brantley is not “just” a fed; he teaches online courses in web development at the University of Louisville and has an IT background.)

We would like to know what skills you readers consider crucial for federal employees. Do you agree with Brantley’s suggestion to become well-versed in computer languages and web development? With fast evolving technology, how do keep your skills current? Is there too much emphasis on government technology, or not enough?

To read Brantley’s complete list on GovLoop, click here.