Dakota Meyer and BAE Systems Make Up

Marine Medal of Honor awardee Dakota Meyer has dropped the lawsuit he filed against BAE Systems.

The suit was based on, among other things, allegations the company scotched his job prospects with another contractor because he complained the company's OASYS division was selling advanced optical scopes to Pakistan.

In a statement released by BAE yesterday, Meyer said: "I am gratified to learn that BAE Systems OASYS did not ultimately sell and does not intend to sell advanced thermal scopes to Pakistan.

"BAE Systems OASYS and I have settled our differences amicably."

The company said, "BAE Systems has the highest respect for Sgt. Dakota Meyer, who exemplifies the qualities that make the men and women of our armed services the best in the world. We owe him and the many thousands of others who have served and sacrificed for our country our deepest thanks."

No word yet from the Space and Naval Warfare System Command, which played a key role in Meyer not landing a job with another contractor, Ausgar Technologies. SPAWAR program manager Bob Higginson told Ausgar not to hire Meyer because he was mentally unstable and had a drinking problem.

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