Health IT to Get Loony Tunes

If you can imagine how Tom and Jerry or Spongebob Squarepants could promote health IT, then the federal government wants to do business with you.

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) is seeking a vendor to develop animated shorts that clearly explain "the basic mechanics and value of health IT" to the general public. ONC is willing to consider funding two shorts, a "plain language version" for Joe and Jane Public, and another for a more sophisticated audience.

This being the government, of course, there are rules and procedures to follow, including the 118-page "plain language" guidelines.

The animations should be no more than 10 minutes long, "visually entertaining as well as accurate and informative," according to the ONC announcement on the Federal Business Opportunities website. ONC plans to use the animations during public presentations and make them available to health-care providers and others wanting to explain the benefits of health IT.

Quotes are due by July 26 -- falling anvils and "beep-beep"ing roadrunners optional.