House Panel Cuts 2012 VA IT Funds by $136M

The House Military Construction and Veterans Affairs subcommittee sliced $136 million or 4.3 percent from the $3.161 information technology budget requested by the Veterans Affairs Department for 2012.

This cut, made during a markup last Friday, still leaves VAS with a 2012 IT budget of just over $3 billion and only $22 million below its $3.146 billion 2011 IT budget,

Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, chairman of the subcommittee, said in a statement that "While under better management, the development of the massive IT systems the VA needs remains problematic."

The House subcommittee's VA budget is the first step in a long process through full committee's in the House and Senate, conferences and floor votes.

If the 2012 budget follows the same tortured path as the 2011 budget, I'll still be writing about this next April.