Gates, George Washington on Leadership

I'm really going to miss Secretary of Defense Robert Gates when he leaves office, as he wears the mantle of leadership lightly, and never misses an opportunity to show that the best leadership comes by example.

Speaking at the dedication of the George Washington library today at Mount Vernon, Washington's home, Gates delivered this history lesson on leadership:

"Washington counseled his officers to lead by example, as he did.

"During the [Revolutionary] war, a man in civilian clothes rode past a small fortification being repaired by a group of exhausted-looking soldiers.

"The commander was shouting orders but not helping. When the rider asked why, the supervisor of the work said he didn't work because, "Sir, I am a corporal!'

"The stranger apologized, dismounted, and went about helping the soldiers himself.

"When he was done, he turned toward the supervisor and said, "Mr. Corporal, the next time you have a job like this and not enough men to do it, go to your Commander-in-Chief and I will come and help you again."

"Too late, the corporal recognized George Washington."

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