More of what you already knew ...

Well, The Washington Post has joined the fray, publishing the results of a poll that indicates that a significant portion of the public—more than half—think feds are overpaid.

Well, The Washington Post has joined the fray, publishing the results of a poll that indicates that a significant portion of the public—more than half—think feds are overpaid.

The Post survey also turned up a fair share of respondents who registered negative perceptions on the quality of the federal workforce and feds’ work ethic.

Federal employee unions, for their part, zeroed in on the part of the survey that showed that three-quarters of survey respondents who had recent interactions with federal workers said it was a positive experience. Moreover, about two-thirds of respondents who said feds gave them very good service also said that feds were fairly paid or underpaid.

That’s a pretty clear indication that the public’s perception of federal workers can be significantly influenced by actually coming into contact with a real live fed.

Maybe that’s just one more bit of evidence that the old saying is true: You are your own best advocate.