Senate: Everyone Wear Same Camo

In December 2009, Chief of Naval Operations Gary Roughhead put out a <a href=>directive</a> establishing nifty new camouflage uniforms for Navy SEAL and other Naval special warfare folks -- but not mere mortals engaged in the ground combat theaters of operations.

In December 2009, Chief of Naval Operations Gary Roughhead put out a directive establishing nifty new camouflage uniforms for Navy SEAL and other Naval special warfare folks -- but not mere mortals engaged in the ground combat theaters of operations.

The Senate, in it's report on the fiscal 2011 Defense authorization bill, said it "believes that the most advanced technologies and materials should be made available to all military personnel serving in the theater of operations."

And those SEAL camos are really advanced , according to the Roughead directive, consisting of:

Two unique four-shaded digital camouflage profiles (desert and woodland) developed by Naval Special Warfare (NSW) under the authority and guidance of U.S. Special Operations Command for NSW and Maritime Special Operations Forces. The tactical advantage provided by NWU Type II (Desert) and Type III (woodland) digital patterns will increase probability of mission success and survivability in combat and irregular warfare operations due to the reduced visual signature in these operational environments.

I think every sailor -- no matter his or her specialty -- should be able to reduce their digital signatures just like the SEALS.

NEXT STORY: Boosting Cyber Skills