Takai Update, with Pal Aneesh

Yesterday I <a href=http://whatsbrewin.nextgov.com/2010/02/california_cio_next_defense_cio.php?oref=latest_posts>reported</a> that the White House plans to tap Teri Takai, chief information officer for California, as the new Defense Department CIO.

Yesterday I reported that the White House plans to tap Teri Takai, chief information officer for California, as the new Defense Department CIO.

I'm told that after my item ran, Takai briefed her staff in California on her planned move to Washington, although I'm still waiting confirmation from her office that she did so.

Although Takai has no federal or military experience, through her membership in the National Association of State Chief Information Officers she is wired into key technology players in the Obama administration, including Aneesh Chopra, the chief technology officer.

See this photo (second page of the document) of Takai, when she served as Michigan CIO, and Chopra, when he was Virginia Secretary of Technology. And we can probably expect more from the duo in their federal roles.

NEXT STORY: Yes, It Snows in Washington