Disaster is the Common Enemy

Some hard working soul has put together a mind-boggling <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Response_to_the_2010_Haiti_earthquake>Wikipedia list</a> of more than 70 countries that have joined together to provide millions of Haitian people battered by Tuesday's earthquake with the basics of life: food, water and shelter.

Some hard working soul has put together a mind-boggling Wikipedia list of more than 70 countries that have joined together to provide millions of Haitian people battered by Tuesday's earthquake with the basics of life: food, water and shelter.

The list contains many sworn enemies -- Israel and Iran for example -- but both have responded with the same heartfelt response to the plight of the Haitian people.

Iran's Red Crescent announced plans to send about 30 tons of aid including food, tents and medicine, and Israel sent a rescue team to Haiti consisting of 220 doctors, rescue workers, two rescue planes loaded with equipment and a field hospital to Haiti.

If these folks can work together for the common good half way around the world, maybe there is still hope for the planet.