FCW Insider: Would you rather lose the PC or Blackberry?

Your answer says a lot about your job, according to a blogger from the European Union.

Andy Mulholland, blogging for the European Union's ePractice Web site, suggests a thought experiment: If you had to give up either your personal computer or your Blackberry for three days, which would you choose?

Mulholland says your choice undoubtedly reflects the role you play in your organization.

"If the person was in a true administrative, back-office support function, they would say their PC, as their work was fundamentally based at a given desk and they had access to a phone on the desk," Mulholland writes. "If their role was ‘operational’, i.e., they were driven by events, meeting people outside their own offices etc., than the choice will be the Smartphone."

Given that reality, government technology support staffs need to include smart phones in their enterprise IT strategies, he argues.

Read the full post here.

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