Budget proposes level funding for SBA

The fiscal 2010 budget would fund the Small Business Administration at $700 million, which matches the Bush administration's fiscal 2009 request.

The Small Business Administration would receive $700 million under the fiscal 2010 budget proposal the Obama administration released today. The document also states that the administration wants to offer more contracting opportunities for small businesses.

That funding level is the same as the Bush administration's fiscal 2009 budget proposal. SBA has operated under a continuing resolution since October 2008 that keeps spending at previous levels because Congress and Bush couldn’t agree on numerous spending bills.

A complete budget proposal with detailed appropriation details is scheduled for release in April, SBA officials said today.

In general, the Obama administration’s budget proposal would offer the same amount of funding for technical assistance grant programs for small businesses. However, it would increase funding for core agency systems and employees. It would also streamline loan processes and find new ways to highlight opportunities for small businesses in federal prime contracting and subcontracting.

Although it offers few details, the proposed budget seeks changes to existing programs that help small businesses join and remain in the federal marketplace, such as small business development centers and women’s business centers.