Woodson Tapped for Top Doc

President Obama <a href=http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/president-obama-announces-more-key-administration-posts-42110>announced</a> on Wednesday he plans to nominate Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Jonathan Woodson as assistant secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, filling the military's top doc slot. The post has been empty for a year, ever since Dr. S. Ward Casscells resigned in April 2008. I had <a href=http://www.nextgov.com/nextgov/ng_20100129_1050.php>heard</a> Woodson was the top choice back in January.

President Obama announced on Wednesday he plans to nominate Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Jonathan Woodson as assistant secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, filling the military's top doc slot. The post has been empty for a year, ever since Dr. S. Ward Casscells resigned in April 2008. I had heard Woodson was the top choice back in January.

Woodson is a vascular surgeon and an associate dean at Boston University. He was appointed in March 2009 as assistant surgeon general for mobilization, readiness and reserve affairs, deputy commanding general for the Army Reserve Medical Command. He did a tour in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War in 1990-1991.