North Korea: Our missiles can hit continental U.S.

Vincent Yu/AP File Photo

The statement came from an unidentified National Defense Commission official on North Korea's state-run news agency.

North Korea finally broke its silence on the U.S. agreement to allow South Korea to produce missiles capable of targeting all of North Korea and the announcement is vintage Pyongyang: You think that's impressive? Our long-range missiles are "within the scope of strike" of the continental U.S., Japan, Guam and South Korea. How do you like that?

The belligerent reply came from an unidentified National Defense Commission official on the state-run Korean Central News Agency, which is typically a little twitchy: a standing feature is the slogan "Let's Realize the Nation's Cherished Desire through a Great War for National Reunification," over an image of a bunch of soldiers, presumably ready to attack South Korea. Now KCNA reports the nukes are ready, too: according to a translation by Bloomberg News, North Korea “is prepared to counter nuclear attack and missile attack of the U.S., South Korea and all other following forces in kind.” 

Read  more at The Atlantic Wire.