Web.com Customers: Check Your Credit Card Statements

Web Services // Florida, United States

The website-hosting company on Aug. 13 discovered unauthorized activity during regular security operations.

“Scheduled monitoring found the breach the day it happened,” according to the Florida Times-Union.

Still, the intruders potentially accessed client credit card data, including the name and address attached to the credit cards. The card validation codes on the back were not compromised.

The issue has been resolved, according to Web.com officials.

Affected clients were notified by email on Aug. 18. A postal letter also was sent on Aug. 20.

“The breach was discovered at night and, upon discovering the breach, the company assessed the situation and took steps to notify the proper authorities — banking, state and federal authorities. Next we took the appropriate steps to reach out to affected customers,” Web.com officials said in a statement.

The records affected generally go back 7 years.

"The investigation is going to take some time," Web.com spokesman John Herbkersman said. "They [security] are looking at every piece of coding inside our firewalls."