IDs of all Serbians Exposed in Attack on State Network

Government (Foreign)

Five hackers have claimed responsibility for penetrating the backbone of the Serbian Identity system and stealing the ID numbers of nearly all the country’s citizens.

The hackers have leaked a screenshot of what seems to be details on Serbian citizens.

According to InSerbia, the hackers emailed the largest Serbian daily, Blic, stating, “We have whole Serbia in our hand. We have almost all information about the Serbian citizens starting from ID numbers to what they do, where they work, live, their phone numbers”.

Tables attached to the message apparently contain detailed information about residents in several Serbian cities.

Blic reports their intentions are as follows:

“We show this information in public for many reasons. The first and main reason is that our cyber police chases exclusively Serbian hackers while it ignores Albanian hackers. Now they will have more than specific reason to look for us, but they will waste their time,” says the e-mail.

The second reason is to inform Serbian residents that their privacy is at risk in a country that collects extensive intelligence about them.

“The third reason is that the state sees, and after multiple warnings realizes, that the security of the system is weak and that they should take more care about it,” says the e-mail.