Attackers hit server containing passwords of Dublin college students

Education // Dublin, Ireland

Dublin City University alerted Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner in July to a cyber incident at the college’s School of Communications.

The Irish Independent reports, “Students in one of the country's largest universities have been warned to change their passwords after a user's login details were compromised in a cyberattack."

Around 1,000 individuals might have been affected.

The school sent emails to current students as well as former attendees and graduates, advising them to change login details. Staff email credentials are believed to be safe.

The July 15 notification stated: "As a result of a recent cyber attack targeting the School of Communications server . . . some user names and passwords used by students to access this server may have been compromised.

"After an extensive forensic examination of the server, we have no evidence that the user names and passwords have actually been compromised but are taking the precautionary step of notifying you of the risk that this may have happened."